Delta the Dancing Elephant A Memoir K A Monroe 9781490973050 Books
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Delta the Dancing Elephant A Memoir K A Monroe 9781490973050 Books
Thank you so much to K A Monroe for writing this book and for working to improve the lives of elephants! Although the story contained in the books pages is unfortunately very true to life, intense and consequently perhaps a bit too dramatic and traumatic for younger readers, I enjoyed this read very much. I was happy to get to know Delta and her friends, come to love them, and get a first hand account of what life is like for elephants and other animals working as performers in circus shows. I also appreciated Delta’s smarts, moment by moment observations, and her accounts of historical events and things relevant to pop culture during the course of her lifetime. I also liked the fact that she always strived to find joy in the smallest of things and strived to see the good in every situation no matter how badly or how many times she'd been hurt. I'd recommend this book to anyone whom I felt was age appropriate and interested in the topic. However, I would caution that this book should not be read without prior knowledge of how elephants and other performing animals are treated. If one reads this book naive to that, I think they may be sorely disappointed.Tags : Delta the Dancing Elephant: A Memoir [K. A. Monroe] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Delta's story is told in the first person narrative coercing the reader to anthropomorphize, to empathize,K. A. Monroe,Delta the Dancing Elephant: A Memoir,A K.A. Monroe Publication,1490973052,Animals - General,Teens Fiction,Animal stories (Children's Teenage),Animals - Elephants,Children's BooksAll Ages,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Juvenile Fiction Animals Elephants,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Young Adult Fiction Animals General
Delta the Dancing Elephant A Memoir K A Monroe 9781490973050 Books Reviews
As an animal lover, this book was very difficult for me to read and I had to put it down several times because I started to cry. This is the story of Delta, the Dancing Elephant told from her point of view. While Delta is a fictional elephant, the tragedies of her story are all too real. Delta's story takes you from the 1930's to the 1990's. Through her story you not only see the reality of how poorly some performing animals were treated, but the human cultural revolution through her eyes. It was obvious that much research into elephant behavior was done for this book, hopefully it will help people see the importance of elephants and their habitat. Also, as the book suggests this is best intended for 7th grade readers and up.
This is the story of Delta, an elephant who was taken from her family in Asia and made to work in circuses throughout her long life. She is a sweet, trusting little soul and keeps her wonderful and lovable personality no matter what happens to her. The ending is both sad and satisfying. The book goes into detail of what life is like for performing animals. It is not a pretty picture but Ms Monroe writes with sensitivity and honesty. I would recommend this book for anyone who is interested in learning about elephants and/or the business of performing animals. It is written for young adults, but I enjoyed it too. An emotional ride but one that is definitely worth it!
Delta's story is heart wrenching because the elephants know and understand what is happening to them. A very educational read based on real life events; the author's empathy is palpable. Animal lovers of all ages need to read this book. Education is the key to stop our barbaric, cruel, and archaic practices. Elephants deserve so much better from humans! My heart breaks for Delta.
A wonderful read. Not nearly as depressing as you'd expect a memoir about a circus elephant to be.
Or I should say a bitter-sweet read. Capturing, rather kidnapping, baby elephants to become lifetime slaves in the circus is a bitter subject, especially the trauma at the loss of their family and the lifetime treatment they then receive. But Delta comes thru giving us understanding as to what a sweet soul she was. She was always trying to understand humans, and more than wished they understood her. Her consolation was music, music that followed her thru the decades, a release that she could move her body to, and one which her owners exploited. The author has an in depth understanding of elephant relationships among themselves since elephants are social and should never be alone. In the end we are rewarded with a happy ending, and a rendezvous of sorts.
Most humans have long assumed that animal behavior is guided by instinct alone, and that unlike us they do not have self-awareness, nor possess the emotions of love, fear, suffering, loyalty, pain, loneliness, compassion and friendship. A lack of a common interspecies language and no easy way to compare their senses with our own has thrown up a wall separating our world from theirs. This has somehow given humans the permission to enslave the rest of the animal world.
Now science is peering over that wall and they see that animals live in a secrete world that can only be described as magical. Elephants, for example, are a living testament to seemingly extra-sensory perceptions with their amazing ability to hear and smell with a sensitivity, which seems otherworldly to us. But it is their unconditional devotion and love of family that truly captivates us. Recent evidence indicates that elephants have a self awareness and would understand the extreme suffering they have endured at the hands of humans.
“Delta the Dancing Elephant, a Memoir,” is the story of an Elephant told from the first person about her journey from the time her family was murdered and she was captured and sold to the entertainment industry.
The torture, helplessness and humiliation, with no hope of escape that Delta endures during her journey through the entertainment industry as described by Monroe is accurate. Monroe understands that the truth put on by much of the entertainment industry is false and what goes on away from the audience is another truth. She describes real incidents where elephants are chained down for days, beaten for hours, shocked with electricity and electrocuted to death, hanged and shot. One baby born in a zoo dies of herpes, which would never happen in the wild. Some elephants have gone insane from the constant torture and snapped and killed their keepers. At one point in the book, Delta sees herself on a TV set and recognizes the image as herself and realizes that she has self-awareness. Perhaps it would have been better if she weren’t so aware. In the end, Delta finds peace in an Elephant Sanctuary as some elephants are been saved by organizations and individuals who have sprung up to help them.
Monroe’s well written book should be required reading for anyone who cares about the suffering animals have endured at the hands of humans.
Thank you so much to K A Monroe for writing this book and for working to improve the lives of elephants! Although the story contained in the books pages is unfortunately very true to life, intense and consequently perhaps a bit too dramatic and traumatic for younger readers, I enjoyed this read very much. I was happy to get to know Delta and her friends, come to love them, and get a first hand account of what life is like for elephants and other animals working as performers in circus shows. I also appreciated Delta’s smarts, moment by moment observations, and her accounts of historical events and things relevant to pop culture during the course of her lifetime. I also liked the fact that she always strived to find joy in the smallest of things and strived to see the good in every situation no matter how badly or how many times she'd been hurt. I'd recommend this book to anyone whom I felt was age appropriate and interested in the topic. However, I would caution that this book should not be read without prior knowledge of how elephants and other performing animals are treated. If one reads this book naive to that, I think they may be sorely disappointed.
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